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Duplex for sale (Estrie) #QE975

25 2e Avenue, Danville (Estrie) J0A1A0 (No. MLS 26532429)


  • Multiplex / Income Property
  • Duplex
  • Publication
  • Construction
  • Condition
  • Number of storeys
  • Rooms
  • Bedroom(s)
  • Bathroom(s)
  • Half-bath(s)


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See French version.
Charmant duplex à vendre à Danville, parfait pour un futur propriétaire occupant. Ce duplex offre un style de vie confortable et polyvalent avec ses deux unités distinctes. Au rez-de-chaussée, vous découvrirez un spacieux logement comprenant 4 chambres à coucher ainsi qu'un sous-sol avec atelier. À l'étage, le deuxième logement de type 4 et demi est une opportunité parfaite pour générer un revenu

Advantage(s) of the property



Room Level Size Floor
Bathroom 2nd floor 9.80 X 10.80 ft. Ceramic tiles
Bedroom 2nd floor 8.80 X 13.50 ft. Floating floor
Bedroom 2nd floor 10.50 X 11.10 ft. Floating floor
Dining room 2nd floor 9.11 X 14.10 ft. Floating floor
Kitchen 2nd floor 9.80 X 9.80 ft. Flexible floor coverings
Living room 2nd floor 12.50 X 13.90 ft. Floating floor
Bedroom Basement 11.10 X 13.80 ft. Floating floor
Family room Basement 24.11 X 19.80 ft. Floating floor
Workshop Basement 14.80 X 23.00 ft. Concrete
Bathroom Ground floor 8.80 X 7.90 ft. Ceramic tiles
Bedroom Ground floor 11.50 X 11.60 ft. Wood
Bedroom Ground floor 9.90 X 11.80 ft. Wood
Bedroom Ground floor 11.00 X 9.50 ft. Wood
Dining room Ground floor 12.70 X 15.20 ft. Wood
Kitchen Ground floor 8.40 X 11.40 ft. Ceramic tiles
Living room Ground floor 13.30 X 11.10 ft. Wood


Known expenses Month Year
Energy N/A N/A
School taxes $8.08 $97
Municipal taxes $265.83 $3,190
Other costs N/A N/A
Heating N/A N/A
Rental income N/A N/A
Land-related data Lot Building
Assessment  2024 $10,900 $102,100
Total assessment $113,000

Land and property exterior

Building dimensions 29 x 37 ft.
Lot size 80 x 95 ft.
Backyard faces N/A
Topography N/A
Land features Fenced, Lot / Yard lined with hedges

Features / Equipment


Special features

Exterior sheathing: N/A
Windows: N/A
Type of windows: N/A
Parking: N/A
Swimming pool: N/A
Basement: Partially finished, 6 feet or higher
Heating: N/A
Kitchen: N/A
Bathroom: N/A
Garage: N/A
Proximity: N/A


English version not available.
See french version.
Cabanon de tôle derrière


English version not available.
See french version.
Effets personnels des locataires, cabanon blanc (appartient au locataire)

All the information contained in this listing is provided by the seller and/or real estate broker and/or the lessor. Publimaison makes no representations or warranty concerning the accuracy of the information, which must be verified independently.

Contact Jean-François Rivard

RE/MAX ÉLITE Jean-François Rivard

Jean-François Rivard
Residential and Commercial Real Estate Broker

(819) 74X-XXXX  Click to view

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